Thursday 9 May 2013

Update #2: Chatters

The Infection has spread, as far as we can tell, worldwide. Some of the chatters are sharing their stories, as things happen.

Joseph is an ATF operative, unable to reveal much information, but he seems unhappy with what his superiors are planning. Without telling us anything specific, he seems to be trying to warn everyone that extreme measures are soon to be taken.
That's all I really know. I just hope he doesn't get himself into trouble. Those guys arne't nice when they're crossed.

At first seemed almost gleeful at being able to kill zombies. The last few hours, though, he's starting to crack. Shooting down so many people that were once human is taking its toll.

Despite living somewhat away from civilisation, he's been reporting the nearest city blowing up, and zombies making it to him. Yesterday he had to kill his mother and grandmother, who were both infected while out. He seems to be cracking, fading out a lot.

Mike seemed to be zombie free until yesterday. They hit his town quickly, it seems, but his mother and sister were ok the last I checked. He's proof that the strains of infection are mutating - the zombies near him aren't attracted to light like the others we've seen. They are encroaching on his house though, and he's been hiding in a closet when necessary.

The friends I stopped over with in London, they're packed and gone to the Isle of Wight - small island, more defensible, seems to be where people are heading. I hope they got there ok.
I went down there, south of London, to pull my parents out of their village. I was too late. I lost a few chasing zombies and got to their house, which was mostly boarded up, but they were there with other zombies. They didn't know me. I was holding a gun in one hand, but I just couldn't fire, even though I knew.
I ran, instead, but I tripped over some of the boards that had been ripped off the windows, hit my head and blacked out.
When I woke up, I had a bleeding head, a split lip, some bruises, and  a wound on my neck. The first three are fine, but the nexk wound - it won't coagulate, it just keeps weeping blood. And I've got this cough, now. It's like asthma, but inhalers don't touch it. I'm getting dizzy spells, too. And these flashes where I don't know where I am, or what's happening.
I think, and so do the others, that I got infected.
There's a chance I could be ok. There's experimental stuff and I have a friend... But I'm no good. If this is an end of the world thing, I'm no good. I don't have anyone. I'm no fighter. There's no place for me, but there is a place for one of the others. If I have the chance to try and save one person, it's not going to be me.
My bit of Nottingham is empty of people, so I stole stuff. I've got bars and metal across all the windows and doors. I've taken off all the door handles and everything. Every place I could fit out of, I've made it so I can't.
I don't want to go without knowing that somebody for off the Farm ok. Or that the others are ok. I just hope I can last that long.

1 comment:

  1. RIP Trudy. I hope everyone else got out in time. - J.S.
