Thursday 9 May 2013

Update #2: Chatters

The Infection has spread, as far as we can tell, worldwide. Some of the chatters are sharing their stories, as things happen.

Joseph is an ATF operative, unable to reveal much information, but he seems unhappy with what his superiors are planning. Without telling us anything specific, he seems to be trying to warn everyone that extreme measures are soon to be taken.
That's all I really know. I just hope he doesn't get himself into trouble. Those guys arne't nice when they're crossed.

At first seemed almost gleeful at being able to kill zombies. The last few hours, though, he's starting to crack. Shooting down so many people that were once human is taking its toll.

Despite living somewhat away from civilisation, he's been reporting the nearest city blowing up, and zombies making it to him. Yesterday he had to kill his mother and grandmother, who were both infected while out. He seems to be cracking, fading out a lot.

Mike seemed to be zombie free until yesterday. They hit his town quickly, it seems, but his mother and sister were ok the last I checked. He's proof that the strains of infection are mutating - the zombies near him aren't attracted to light like the others we've seen. They are encroaching on his house though, and he's been hiding in a closet when necessary.

The friends I stopped over with in London, they're packed and gone to the Isle of Wight - small island, more defensible, seems to be where people are heading. I hope they got there ok.
I went down there, south of London, to pull my parents out of their village. I was too late. I lost a few chasing zombies and got to their house, which was mostly boarded up, but they were there with other zombies. They didn't know me. I was holding a gun in one hand, but I just couldn't fire, even though I knew.
I ran, instead, but I tripped over some of the boards that had been ripped off the windows, hit my head and blacked out.
When I woke up, I had a bleeding head, a split lip, some bruises, and  a wound on my neck. The first three are fine, but the nexk wound - it won't coagulate, it just keeps weeping blood. And I've got this cough, now. It's like asthma, but inhalers don't touch it. I'm getting dizzy spells, too. And these flashes where I don't know where I am, or what's happening.
I think, and so do the others, that I got infected.
There's a chance I could be ok. There's experimental stuff and I have a friend... But I'm no good. If this is an end of the world thing, I'm no good. I don't have anyone. I'm no fighter. There's no place for me, but there is a place for one of the others. If I have the chance to try and save one person, it's not going to be me.
My bit of Nottingham is empty of people, so I stole stuff. I've got bars and metal across all the windows and doors. I've taken off all the door handles and everything. Every place I could fit out of, I've made it so I can't.
I don't want to go without knowing that somebody for off the Farm ok. Or that the others are ok. I just hope I can last that long.

Update #1 - On the Farm

Lenny and Boosh have darted off with many of the supplies, nobody knows to where, but Peter is not happy.When they do appear in tinychat, they are in location 3 - another tent, containing many of the Farm's supplies - and they're with Victoria, who has been missing for over a day. She explains that avoiding the Infected has been easy as they're so slow, and all three want Peter and Rose to come over to where they are, instead of staying in the garage which - though defensible - is also leaving them trapped.
On top of this, after Peter goes to look outside briefly, the garage door sticks and refuses to close.

Rose is mostly catatonic as her brain attempts to shut out the information that Renaldo is probably dead. When she does surface, she's cleaning madly, talking about what she wants to say to him when he gets back, and setting up for the party - as if she's simply shut out the past couple of days completely.
When what happened to Renaldo is broken to her, it's too much and she cuts open her wrists, later explaining that without him she has nothing - a point hotly refuted.
Between Peter, the Tent and the chatters, he manages to stop the bleeding, but the loss of blood after no food, plus the extra layer of shock means Rose is incapable of doing much but lie down.

Caesar appears in the Tent, carrying bloody weapons and speaking rapid Spanish. He has survived by taking down the Infected  that come near him, and he knows how to open the main gate.
Between everyone, it is established that there is a code generator in the garage, which refreshes to a new set of numbers every 2 minutes. Usually someone goes to the garage and reads off the numbers to the person at the gate, but if thew generator were to be brought to the gate they could all escape.
Peter can't bring the generator to the Tent, because Rose can't make the trip and shouldn't be left alone.
The Tent doesn't want to go back up to the garage now they're so close to the exit. If Peter can't get Rose down to them, they want to get out and bring back some help - although they're aware it may be too late for her if they do.
They remain at stalemate for some time.

Rose emerges from her shell a little, still talking about the party and what she wants to tell Renaldo. She wants him to know that she only wants to be with him, and she's sorry. With pen and paper, and some help from chatters and the Tent, she writes a letter to read to him when he gets back - nodding at the reminder that this means she must stay alive long enough to do so.

Just as Rose retreats back into her shell, Renaldo enters the garage. He is bloody, his chest clawed, a chunk missing from his shoulder - clearly Infected. Ignoring this, Rose runs to him.
He seems to stop, as she reads him the letter, and then seems to hug her from behind for a moment before he bites into her shoulder and she goes down.

Through this, Peter is hiding behind the punch bag. As Rose goes down, he moves forwards, where he is met by Maple, also clearly infected. She attacks, Renaldo joins in, and they take Peter to the floor where they seem to start eating.

Rose gets up, bleeding but still looking human, and moves towards the computer, but the feed cuts off.

In the garage, determination rises. Hesitation has led to more death. Somebody needs to grab a weapon, run to the garage and return with the code generator. They will draw straws to see who goes.
An argument ensues in which Lenny suggests that Victoria not be in the running for this, partly because she's a woman - and may be needed if all the other women are dead. Also because he feels his inability to help has caused the deaths of too many women lately. He wants her to survive and is willing to die in order for that to happen.
It is pointed out to him that Victoria has proven herself fast, smart and tough - more so than Lenny himself, who is a lover not a fighter - and he relents.

As they each grab a straw to draw, the feed cuts out.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Official episode 2 recap

Did you miss episode two? Well this is what you need to know.

There were 5 characters in episode two. Lenny and The Boosh start off in the tent and Peter, Renaldo, Rose in the garage.

Boosh enters when the Tent goes live, it seems that in all the commotion to save his baby girl (His pot plant Princess) he got a little tired and decided to take a nap, that nap turned into a heavy slumber. When he awoke he came straight to the tent.

Peter has come up with a Plan, IF the zombie outbreak is as wide spread as everyone keeps saying it is then a fortified pot farm is the best place to be. All they need to do is be proactive about hunting zombies. Then just wait for the zombie apocalypse to blow over.

Suddenly, Rose and Renaldo start pounding on the garage door. A hoard of zombies are after them. Peter tells them to run around the garage to lose them. After a few laps Renaldo is able to keep them at bay long enough for Rose to get in. Renaldo soon after bangs on the door and is not let in. Peter tells him to keep running. After a while Renaldo can no longer out run the zombies and just outside the garage door we hear Renaldo’s last words. AAAaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggg

Did Renaldo become Zombie food or could he have survived?

Where has Victoria been, is she still alive?

Will Peters plan work, should they be more proactive in hunting down Zombies?

Watch the next episode to find out!
(Mine was somewhat more involved but is also here)

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Under the bus

I wanna keep this stuff separate from the Farm stuff. That's the important bit, really. But there's some stuff you should know about me, I guess.

The discussion about Peter, whether he would throw someone under a bus to save himself. My anger at him for the way he's already done this.

I did this. Not actively, I never threw anyone, but certainly somebody died because I was too busy being a coward.

I was on the ground in Iraq - no idea if I was near Renaldo, as far as I know we've never met. It was one of the assignments I had before I gave up getting myself fired and setlted for freelancing. IT was meant to be quiet. I was meant to be making a little report on the aftermath of some bombings a year earlier. It was me, a sound guy - Jeff - and a camera guy - Trick. We'd all worked together before, we were pretty good friends by this point, so we were ready to just head in, do the thing, head back out again. No hassle.

So we did.We got the report, we hopped in the truck, we were headed back out to another assignment - same sort of thing. Whether our presence pissed somebody off, I don't know. Whether we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, I don't know. Whatever reason, somebody decided to take us out.

I don't know much about weapons and things, but something self-propelled hit us. Jeff saw it coming and shouted. Trick slammed the wheel over, and I guess the thing hit, exploded, and sent the truck flying. I landed upside down, still belted in, beneath a truck leaking fuel, full of smoke.

I looked over to my right, to see if Jeff was ok. Jeff...I guess he got the worst of it, or was just unlucky, I don't know. I looked over and instead of seeing him, I saw something covered in blood that seemed to end at the upper torso.

My belt wouldn't unbuckle. Fortunately I have one skill - I can pack for emergencies and all eventualities. This time, I'd put a penknife in a pouch on my belt. Took a minute but I got free, crawled out, looked for Trick.

He was already out, but not far away - lying pretty much right next to the pool of fuel. I could see him breathing, so I shouted him. He moved, I shouted some more.

I didn't go to help him. I didn't get closer. I wanted to keep away from the fuel, because I could feel the hear, I knew it was going to go up. So instead of going down, dragging him out half-unconscious, I stayed and shouted.

He did get up, he did moe. He saw me, got to his feet - he was a little battered but he looked ok, and he just yelled at me to run and started heading my way.

So, I ran.

I ran and I didn't look back.

When it did explode, I hit the deck and stayed there until someone came to get me up.
It wasn't Trick. I don't know if he collapsed again, if he didn't move fast enough, what - but he got caught in the explosion.

Me? I got a few bumps, some smoke inhalation issues - I had mild asthma that's gotten worse since, but that's all.

No I didn't throw Trick under a bus, but I sure as hell didn't help him out of the way of one.

I was 22. I'm now almost 30. I still have the nightmares. Some where I save him, but when he turns to me he's black and burned. Some when I'm running and he grabs my foot, drags me into the fire. So many dreams.

Sometimes I'm just out, shopping or whatever, and I think I see him. I've stopped running after those people now, but there were a few crazy moments where I've grabbed someone from behind, shouting "Trick!", and it wasn't him. Most people aren't so polite about that.

I've kept out of war zones since, because I can't deal. But still, seeing other stuff  sometimes brinngs everything back. All the counselling, all the work, all the finding ways to forgive myself - and all it takes is one second of seeing something which triggers the memory and I'm shaking again.

I've been the coward. Someone who should be alive isn't because I didn't help him. And no matter how many times you tell me I could have just gotten us both killed, the only truth is - I ran. I left him.

So when I see Peter doing what he does, I recognise it. He's a coward, and he'll do and say anything to deny that, but he's a coward. Not because he's afraid - being afraid just makes you smart. He's a coward because he'll crumple and save himself, every time, at the expense of anyone else.

Since Trick, I've found something new in myself. My moment of cowardice, what I've learned from it, is how to step up and do the other thing. Losing Trick will never be ok, but I've had the chance to turn and run since then, more than once, and I've done the thing I should have done the first time.
Peter...has not done that.