Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The first sighting

The sound and quality of the videos is pretty awful, and some of the video didn't record at all, I think maybe it's the connection at their end. Sorry about the bad or lack of sound and the lack of anything at all in some cases, there's not much I can do.

One of the guys, Peter, when he saw Maple being attacked, he stopped and took a video on his phone. For what it's worth you may as well see it:

I admit I lost my cool somewhat at Peter for this. Not helping, not running, getting out your phone and recording...I didn't say half the things I was thinking but I said a few.
There's a reason I work freelance. Got fired from every journo job I ever got for letting my emotions guide my story - including abandoning it to help someone. Funny how the same people then buy my stories for a fortune...but that's not the point.
Point is - I can only remain so detached for so long. But I'm trying.
Somebody has to tell this story. The offers for exclusives are coming in and being turned down. Everybody needs to see this story. If - when - governments get involved, the more people watching the better they have to behave. More than that, there may be something in here that can help somehow. Even if not, it's important that the story be told. People are dying and that should never be left unseen, unsaid, unmourned.

In the garage,they mostly stuck to barricading, making weapons. Nothing can get in there right now.
Mostly it's been Peter, Rose and Renaldo. There's some...stuff going on between those three which I think is affecting what happens. Rose and Renaldo are married, but she and Peter are...close. Both of the guys are doing a certain amount of alpha male jealousy, while Rose tries to explain - including recruiting the chatters to try and understand.
But - that stuff may be affecting the behaviour of the two guys: their willingness to go into danger, etc. I hope they get that under control. But, that's the worst we've seen in there. They have makeshift weapons and barricades and are probably the safest people on the property right now, as long as they quit going outside,

In the tent, they're not so lucky.
Maple managed to get a quick camera shot (no sound) of one of the Infected outside, maybe trying to get in through the canvas. That was fairly freaksome to watch...

The last I saw of the folks at the Farm, Renaldo had appeared in the tent carrying the head of an Infected he killed. That's one of the bits where the recordings dropped out, but trust me - it was pretty gruesome.

He later bolted back out, we assume towards the garage where his wife Rose was with Peter.
Rose took some persuading but eventually stayed put instead of going to look for him, putting herself in danger not being what he would want.
Lenny had shot out of the tent, leaving Vic asleep, and one by one 3 Infected appeared. They wandered the tent, touched stuff, moaned, were generally very creepy. When Vic woke she managed, we think, to very quickly slide under the table when none of them were looking.

The feeds went down at this point and haven't been back up since.

So where are we right now? This thing, whatever it is, is spreading. The rumour mill is currently mostly exaggeration, for now, but some smaller places are starting to vanish off the radar. Whether that's just because things are going down or because there's no people left, I don't know yet.
What are the people who are supposed to be doing helpful things actually doing? Best I can tell,. running around after their own tails with no more idea of what's actually happening than we have. But their scientists are getting somewhere, here's what I got as of today:

Incubation period once infected can be up to a few hours before you become unrecognisable as yourself. It starts eating away at your brain a lot faster than that, but there' a point of no return where the infection hits the central primal system, and eradicated whatever memories or personality were left. That's when someone infected begins to get violent, and cross from Person into Infected.
Right now they don't have a cure, haven't found anything that even slows it down, and it looks like everyone may be susceptible.

There does seem to be some sort of basic communication between Infected - whether there's a hierarchy. an Alpha/pack system, don't know yet, but research is happening into how they work - and therefore into how they can be stopped, or people can at least remain safe.
There are some obvious things: no loud noises, if you see one run, don't engage unless you have to but if you must then something sharp into the soft section above the temple seems to work - as does crushing the same spot with something heavy. Destroying the remaining motor functions seems to stop them dead.

What they want, what their motivation is - don't know. They don't seem to seek out people to bite, but they also won't back off once they see you so, again, just keep well away.

Got any more infos (actual stuff, please, rumours do nobody any good) - comment here, email, tweet @TrudyState.
Trying to make this a place for two things:
To show the bravery of those people up at the Freedom Farm, and to support them, and ask you to do the same.
To keep up with what's happening, as well as I can, with as much factual info as I can.
Join me, and maybe we can do something useful.

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